Narcological clinic "Intercollar". Effective treatment of a narcotism and alcoholism.

More than 15 years experience in the field of narcology and pharmacotherapy

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клиника лечение алкоголизма Achievements in treatment of the Narcotism and the Alcoholism. Scientific activity

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Mechanisms of action Antihomotoxical preparations "Narcod-Homaccord" and "Alcod-Compositum"

The resume

In clause mechanisms of action complex Antihomotoxical preparations "Narcod-Homaccord" and "Alcod-Compositum" are analyzed. The given medicines are aimed at activation of the major reactions of an internal metabolism, including reaction of Krebs-Cycle - the major stage of the cellular breath proceeding in mitochondrion. For this purpose in structure of preparations there are exponentiate cofactor, substrata of enzymes, the ions essential for fermentative of activity and other components. The hypothesis that their positive influence can concern to number of effects of preparations "Narcod-Homaccord" and "Alcod-Compositum" exponentiate components on positive psychological motivation of the patient is stated..

For performance of the numerous functions of a cell of an organism of the person require constant inflow of energy which acts in an organism with food. In cells components of food it is controllable are oxidized, and energy released at it is transformed to biologically useful forms, in particular in energy of communications АТФ. If cells have been deprived mitochondrion they would receive all energy due to lowffective anaerobic glycolysis which proceeds in cytoplasm. On the other hand, efficiency of processes of cellular breath in mitochondrion much more above those glycolysis.

Mitochondrion for maintenance of normal function of cells and states of health brightly illustrate great value mitochondriopathy which can be caused inactivation the certain genes or action exogenous factors and is characterized by the broadest spectrum of infringements practically in all systems of an organism. A principal cause of these infringements is deficiency of energy.

Besides it, dysfunction mitochondrion is observed at the most different diseases: narcotisms and an alcoholism, infringements contractile activity of a cardiac musle, a hepatites, a sepsis, neurodegeneratives diseases, Parkinson's disease and others. Infringements of function mitochondrion in cancer cells have been shown Warburg, Otto in the thirtieth years of the last century.

Crucial value of processes of a power exchange for maintenance of a state of health has induced us to create complex preparations "Narcod-Homaccord" and "Alcod-Compositum", aimed on processes of cellular breath. By development of these medicines we leaned on fundamental opening in the field of the biochemistry, made mainly Krebs, Hans which for ever has become history of a science, as the pathbreaker of key process of a power exchange - a tricarboxylic acid cycle. This opening which Krebs has made in 1937, in 1953 has been awarded the Nobel Prize.

Let's try to understand that given preparations "Narcod-Homaccord" and "Alcod-Compositum" from positions of a modern science actually represent. "Narcod-Homaccord" and "Alcod-Compositum" are used for effective therapy narcological (and not only) diseases. Usually these medicines appoint in the form of s/c or in/m injections 2-3 times a week, their introduction is frequent alternate to other preparations. The effect of medicines starts to be shown later 2-3 weeks after the beginning of therapy and includes proof long improvement of power balance, strengthening of activity of exchange processes.

Cellular breath at which are aimed effect of preparations, includes three stages: 1) formation acetyl - CоА from pyruvat ("half" molecules of glucose), fat acids and amino acids; 2) cyclic destruction acetyl groups with clearing CO2 and atoms of hydrogen (Krebs-Cycle, figure 1); 3) carry elektrons (corresponding these atoms of hydrogen) to molecular oxygen - the process interfaced with phosphorylation ATP.

The analysis of components of preparations "Narcod-Homaccord" and "Alcod-Compositum" allows to divide them into some groups: cofactor (CоА, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, nicotinamide, ABOVE, an ascorbic acid, salt of manganese); substrata of enzymes of Krebs-Cycle (cisaconiric, citric, fumaric, acetoglutaric, apple and amber acids, oxalosuccinate barium, diethylxalacetate and piruvat sodium), a product of Krebs-Cycle (ATP), the ions essential for fermentative of activity (connection of magnesium, calcium and caesium), a-lipoic acid, sulfur-bearing substances (cysteine, sulfur), and also cultivations of some herbs. In chemistry, the catalyst name substance which accelerates chemical reaction, but is not neither reacting substance, nor a product of reaction.

Figure 2 illustrates effect of the catalyst. It is interesting to note, that catalyse reaction (the bottom line) despite of smaller energy of activation, results in similar no catalyse to reaction. As a matter of fact, catalysts reduce the quantity of energy necessary for start of reaction. Thus, they can start reactions which do not go without the catalyst, to accelerate them, to do more specific, proceeding at lower temperatures.

In cells function catalysis enzymes - highly specialized carry out fibers. They considerably surpass artificial catalysts on specificity, catalytic activity and ability to operate at the moderate temperature and physiological concentration of hydrogen ions. However the most remarkable property of enzymes consists that reactions, catalyse them, are not accompanied by formation of by-products. As each enzyme is capable to accelerate only one reaction of the given connection, not influencing thus on its other possible reactions, in cells the set various independent catalyse processes can simultaneously proceed. It becomes possible owing to that the active center of a molecule of enzyme can perceive only such molecules which as a substratum, it completely complimentary.

Hundreds the reactions proceeding by means of enzymes, are not independent from each other. More often they are connected in the complex sequences having the general intermediate products so the product of the first reaction can serve as a substratum of the second reaction, etc. Such sequences can, total up to 20 and more parts. A vivid example such is Krebs-Cycle. It serves as the second stage catabolism carbohydrates, and also can use for manufacture of energy of amino acid. In many fabrics, especially in a cardiac musle, during process so-called beta oxidations fat acids break up with formation Acetyl-COA which can be used in Krebs-Cycle.

The given cycle, as well as other associations of reactions, catalyse enzymes, submits to a following principle: speed of the reaction proceeding in one part of system of reactions, can be adjusted or change depending on speeds of the reactions proceeding in other parts of system. In the elementary case accumulation of intermediate products in quantities exceeding a critical level, operates as a signal which can brake the reactions leading formation of these substances. Such type of regulation refers to inhibition by a principle of a feedback. So, for example, acts on activity of some enzymes of cycle ATP when stocks of energy in a cell are high also need in ATP falls.

In the analysis of mechanisms of action of preparations "Narcod-Homaccord" and "Alcod-Compositum" it is necessary to start with their homeopathist nature, first of all. In the field of s/c or in/m an injection of preparations in a fabric quite appreciable concentration will be locally created. Despite of it calculations show, that "Narcod-Homaccord" and "Alcod-Compositum" do not render replaceable action even in area of an injection, let alone system effects known for the given medicines.

The part of components of preparations concerns to a category of substrata of enzymes of Krebs-Cycle. In usual situations appreciable concentration of a substratum can lead to increase of activity of enzyme, however quantities of the substances containing in injection a solution of preparations, for this purpose are too small.

It is possible to assume, however, that individual molecules exponentiate substrata can contact the active centers of corresponding enzymes, to change them conformation and thus to influence activity of the last. Duration of such effect should be limited as molecules exponentiate substrata during interaction with enzyme will change. Influence can have "starting" character. By analogy to physical processes, it can help to overcome to system "friction of rest ", to put it in motion and to facilitate the further acceleration of reactions of a cycle by means of others regulator mechanisms.

Linkage exponentiate substrata with the active centers can level and other negative changes of enzymes. From chemistry it is known, that some connections reacting with the catalyst and forming with it chemical communications, "poison" the catalyst - that is change its chemical structure and reduce its efficiency. A role of such "poisoning" substances can play homotoxines. In this case the presumable effect exponentiate substrata is reduced to restoration initial conformation the active centers of enzymes and, as consequence, to their increase catalytic activity.

It is known, that activity of some enzymes (their number includes also enzymes of Krebs-Cycle) depends on presence of the certain groups of not albuminous nature - so-called cofactors. In a role of the last can act either ions of metals, or the complex organic connections named coenzymes. Sometimes for catalytic presence and those and others is necessary for activity. More often cofactor it is connected with fermental fiber rather poorly and behaves to some extent to similarly substratum. In structure of preparations "Narcod-Homaccord" and "Alcod-Compositum" cofactors are presented CoA, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, nicotinamide, ABOVE, an ascorbic acid and salt of manganese. The mechanism of their action should differ from the mechanism of action of substrata. Reversible linkage cofactors with molecules of enzymes can influence on conformation their active centers and, as consequence, the general level catalytic activity. Such effect should surpass on duration influence exponentiate substrata, however, also to be directed on strengthening of activity of enzymes.

Presence in structure of preparations sulfur-bearing connections is logical as CoA by the nature is thioester and SH - the group plays the important role in its transformations. On the other hand, the component of preparations a-lipoic acid is the important intermediary during carry acetyl groups a multifermental complex piruvat- dehydrogenase. Exponentiate connections of magnesium, calcium and cerium are aimed at activation of an exchange of these ions having essential value for fermentative of activity and aimed at activation of the central mechanisms of regulation of a power exchange in an organism.

Thin mechanisms of action exponentiate medicines remain not found out. Many authors regard action of midget dozes as paradoxical because effects are observed in the field of concentration at which linkage of only individual molecules is possible. Observable effects try to explain by means of hypothetical mechanisms of strengthening of a signal or "adaptation" of receptors (enzymes) to action of midget dozes of preparations. Nevertheless, successful experience of application of preparations "Narcod-Homaccord" and "Alcod-Compositum" testifies to their efficiency, and the analysis of components of medicines allows to understand and admire with their complex and natural structure.


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